Friday, January 8, 2010


Hello ...

I did hear from Debbie, the transplant RN today. My application is complete and is being reviewed again by Dr. Posselt. I was asked to do another 7 day intensive log and then informed today that I should wait another week so that I am done with the steroid titration and the URI has cleared as both will disrupt BGs tremendously. Like I had stated before this was a six day titration and my pump has been running at 150% of the norm that entire time. That means changing out my site every 48 hours (approximately) as opposed to the usual 72.

Just an FYI .... as soon as I muzzle this dog ... I have some more work to try and accomplish here. (Trying to make up some hours at home). I can't wait to get back to the office for the quiet that allows me to focus on the work.

Will keep you posted on any other new developments. Maybe more definite news coming next week.

Enjoy the weekend!!!



  1. I'm glad to read that you are feeling better.
    Let's talk some about a summer visit and trip to your trial. I am off in the summer (at least I am planning on it) and can come give you a ride and "hang out" for a spell. I usually am out by the first week of June.
    Keep your spirits up,

  2. Hey Eliza,

    It's your other East Coast cousin! Bridget sent me the link to your blog and I've been catching up on all you are going through. You have another supporter on your side thinking of you back here in the cold East Coast!

    Stay strong and I'll be checking up on you!


  3. Thanks for the comments Ladies !!

    Deb ... that would be so totally cool!!
    I can't remember the last time I actually "saw" you, never mind the fun and laughter we could have tearing up the medical center and a couple of tourist attractions.... everyone thus far who has offered to accompany me at one point or another has mentioned a spot they would like to visit with me in tow. I so appreciate the gesture ... and am hoping that these travels for all involved offer some sort of education as well as a few laughs at my expense. But ... Big Girl pants are required. :) Thanks again and "talk" soon -
    Love B

    And to my other east coast cousin .... Welcome aboard Meg!! It was nice to see your comment. Bridget has been a faithful supporter from the start and I so totally appreciate her input on the matters at hand. She is "The Bomb!" as my Hilly would say.
    Life is pretty boring for the most part, like all, I work, I clean, I try to get some yard/house maintainence accomplished, etc ... and now ... well ... I have the transplant journey in which I have great hopes for a successful match and a few more great years to accomplish some more living.

    So ... to both you ladies, THANKS!!!
    Who would have ever thought that my rambling on or "bitching" as my mother always called it ... :D .... would attract so many followers. Maybe that book thing that so many people have mentioned to me over the years would be a not-so-bad seller. :)

    Ahhh .... let Hillary reap the rewards .. she can do a "Tell all" when I die.... LMAO.
