Saturday, April 28, 2012

The video has posted!!

I hope the link below works.

If not, you can check it out on YouTube-StemGenex videos. There are several videos from patients treated with various afflictions. ALL worthy of a look, and I look forward to seeing the follow up on the results and progress being made.

Been a long week for me, and I have been down a lot. The beginning of the week was just a lot for me to deal with physically, and apparently emotionally as well with the drive to Phoenix on Monday and doctor appointments both Monday and Tuesday. My function as far as my head isn't moving along as I would like and I continue to tire easily. I am being told repeatedly, I must set limits ... hahahaha ... time limits that allow me to rest and NOT push to the completion of a project. Well ... that is a whole lot easier said than done!! I push, and then, I crash ... it is a hard habit to break with life has always (or seems like) one hit after another, often times with no time in between to crash. Regarding "crashing" I have had a lot of low blood sugars this week, on Thursday, 3x. This after having dropped my insulin a 1/2 unit during the day, and a full unit over night. I am thinking, that it either needs to drop again, or I need to evaluate the math in regard to my insulin to carb ratio as that may still need to be adjusted as well. The lows also cause me to just want to sleep, which is good for my brain, but not so much for getting stuff done.

Enjoy your day!!
Be good to yourself, be good to each other!!
Peace and Light

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