Thursday, March 17, 2011


Morning Everyone ... and Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Got to love the fighting Irish ... LOL ... Just a quick update because I am running behind this morning. I have 34 hours in already before today even begins, I think I can run a wee bit late today.

This week has been busy to say the least, but I think I am fairing pretty well in the stamina department, Amazing!!! It's even amazing me ... the way I feel, the changes I am becoming aware of is just amazing!! I can't seem to come up with more descriptive words to express my enthusiasm for what's happening to my body.

This week, as an example, I have had maybe 4-5 lows and with each one I had some sort of awareness sign prior to. I was telling Hillary just last night that with each one there is a different, more intense sign and symptom. It is also time for me to review my insulin intake and adjust as it seems that I am running high in the mornings, rest of day has been, yup ... again, AMAZING!!!

Last note for this morning is this. I met with the Chino Valley Review the other night for 2 hours!! A great interview and Maggie will make her news debut!!! I will post the link here when it prints.

Response to my treatment from so many, right up to my tax lady who I spoke with last night, she was so enthusiastic, so damn friendly ... !! I hope she can work some magic this year, as last year really sucked in the finance department, as I am SURE, so many others, like yourself, have encountered some sort of bump.

I wish you all a very happy, very safe St. Patrick's Day!!!

Peace and Light


  1. Hi Binky:
    I can't believe your med's went up so high. Bob and I are finding out the same thing too. We had to switch insurance companies and this new one is much higher. Good old Obama care for you. Before he is done he will kill us all. Just think of the money that will save the country. You look great in the picture with Meggie. I'm so glad you have her because she brings you so much happness and comfort.
    You seem to be doing great and hope the result keep getting better.
    Give Hillary a hug and kiss for me
    Love and prayers
    Mom D

  2. I hate to burst you bubble, but this crap was happening under G.W too!! It is the phamaceuticals, the insurance companies, and the government agencies, i.e., NIH, FDA, etc. calling the shots on how the American public is getting screwed. I don't want to make it political, even though that is where it starts, but it trickles down from there ... to greedy corporate America. Are you back in MA? or still in FL.
