Saturday, November 7, 2009


Morning ....

9:30 here in sunny Arizona and I am semi-stupid.
Twice on Thursday, once last night, and again this morning. I have been up since 4:!5, finished up some work (the payable sort), vacuumed, got some laundry going, just got out of the shower, took the dog out (again) the irritation is a symptom. One I don't particularly care for as it throws me all out of sort.

I am in process of taking care of the elevating of the BS as I sit here dazed and confused, with the imminent pounding headache that comes with it.

Symptoms of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) are the things I now lack with 37 years under my belt.
Sweating; confusion; tremors/trembling (shakes); irritability; at the moment I am drawing a blank as to a few of the other one, but I will be putting some links off to the side that will inform you of the signs and symptoms of both hyper and hypoglycemia.

I don't get these signs of symptoms anymore until I have dropped to a critical point (I amaze myself that I can still stand never mind fumble my way to the kitchen at times). I become very disoriented, confused, repetitive, just down right stupid. Hillary has relayed episodes back to me where I remember very little if anything at all of the encounter, i.e., like the night I plowed into the office with a bowl of cereal and told her to google a Dunkin' Donut franchise .... she did thinking I was completely "with it" at the time, turned around to inform me and I was gone. Empty cereal bowl found on the counter, me out flat in bed, not really responsive, but on my way back up. It is like I have everything I have sucked out of me, and then there have been times when my whole day is shot, due to the fact it takes so much out of me to come back up in a normal range. Not to mention, the brain cells I lose on each of these episodes. A tidbit of information I learned the hard way right after giving birth to Hillary 21 years ago. I had been home from the hospital maybe a week, 2-3 times in that week I had landed in the ER due to seizure like drop out of BS. One episode in particular I do remember very vividly, as if not for my mother telling the EMTs I would be fine 'cause I flipped them off!! LOL ...... It was sort of like a stroke, I apparently fell off the couch while feeding the baby, next thing I remember, I was surrounded by EMTs, on the floor, wet, not being able to speak, not being able to move, it was what I relate to having a stroke, as I was frozen. In any event, upon arrival in the ER this lovely "little" man whom I had encountered already in this week informed me in a sort of snotty tone that "every time you do this, you are killing brain cells!" (Like I was freakin' doing it because it felt so good and I got so much out of it!!) What an ass!!! Now I know that there are stupid people in the world, always the ones that think "it will never happen to me" but I would like to think, that I am not one of them. I am compliant with my medications, and have been pretty good about dealing with the stressors of life that effect my health. But, let's be realistic here, I am going to tell you all right up front, I am not perfect .... LMAO ...... I don't always take things too seriously, as I have found that a blood sugar out of range is no real reason to freak out. I have found that what works best for me is to try and keep them within the ranges set forth for me by my doctors, in hopes of preventing these episodes. I must admit, it doesn't always work. I like to think I have a pretty good outlook on life, and that the saying "Don't sweat the small stuff" is true .... and much of the "big stuff" we have no control over anyway .... so might as well just ride it out and hope for the best.

I think I need to stop this ramble now as my fingers are getting that weird tingling feeling, (a clue I am on the rise), but am feeling the need to lay down for a bit while everyone is quiet and/or sleeping.

Thanks for tuning into this latest ramble.
Thanks to those couple of people who have commented on some of my posts, I appreciate the comments, makes me feel I am not always talking to myself !!! :D (which I do a lot of)

Have a wonderful day !!


  1. Maggie is beautiful - she would make beautiful puppies with my Carson! :) Although he is 8 now he is still feisty!

    Take care of yourself so you can get to SF next year for that transplant!

    B :)

  2. Nice try B !!! I had Maggie fixed prior to her first heat .... she does enjoy the act though .... LOL ... she is a beautiful pup ... she was one of 11 in the litter ... but not aging fast enough for me at the moment, she keeps me VERY busy and has become a method of birth control for Hilly as she wants NO children .... heheh.
    Thanks for all your support. Wait til you talk to your mom about the phone call we had the other night .... and the confusion my father created. OMG !!

    talk soon

  3. Carson is fixed too! But after seeing her picture I just had to say it! I would not wish puppies on anyone! They are very busy this age - I was just reading your post about the magnet! Haha - Carson still does that stuff! He WILL NOT give up a baseball if he gets one - and you can imagine with 3 boys in the house (yes 3!) they appear every now and then!

    I heard a bit about the "confusion" - but not the full story - I will probably talk to my Mom tonight so I'll ask for a refresher on that!

    Stay well!
    B :)
