Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Front Page ....

Just came in from taking Maggie out for her evening duties ... LOL .... I have had this god awful, lung hacking, eye popping cough most of the night, think it is related to yesterdays chilly day in the office.

Hilly was on her way into town to make fliers when I looked at the end of the driveway ....
"What's that?" ..... she turns around and busts out laughing .... "Why, it looks like the paper!" "Lets just see what it has to say." She really is such a joy to have around with her sense of humor. We tease each other a lot.... but all in good fun. "We're celebrities!!" she says grinning widely.

We hit the front page !! Not that the Chino Review is a big paper, but to hit the front page ... and then 1/2 page continued article further back in the paper, we got our first publicity!!

Earlier this week we were able to secure three local town businesses to host a container for donations. Thanks to Mary at Trendsetter's for her help in our endeavor!! She is one of our MA cronies .... so she gets Hillary and I. There are a couple of more that need to be approached, and hopefully, this article will get things moving.

Tomorrow is the big meeting with the doctors of the team to review my documentation .... I am sort of nervous, only because of the uncertainty that the future holds. I have to keep a positive outlook and just believe .... and I do, that this is an advance I never dreamed I would see.

In any event, we got our hard copy of the paper and we are hoping, it should, print in the online edition as well, which should hit the web by Weds morning.

You can read it at : http://chinovalleyreview.com/index.asp

Thanks for following !!
Rest well !!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome article! Love the pic's of you and Hill! Thinking of you today and hoping you get the good news you've been waiting so patiently for! Hope you will update us here as soon as you know!

    Love ya!
    B :)
