Saturday, April 9, 2011

Getting better .... a little at a time

Happy Saturday !!

Well, I woke up this morning to 4-5 inches of snow on the ground!! It seems to make a slight difference in my ability to breathe this morning, although there is still a lot of wheezing going on. Treatments continue every 6-8 hours, the inhaler on a as need basis, less each day, and the steroid taper is going WAY better than I anticipated. I chock that up to the stabilized blood sugars. I can't believe, although not at a point I had hoped, it is going so well.

I was speaking with Rita Alexander, President of the ISCI, on Thursday and we were discussing how it takes so many years for our bodies to "deteriorate" in the disease process that it can't be expected to disolve overnight. I can't agree enough. I knew going into my treatment that it was not a cure, not yet, but still believe, more now than ever, that it is the direction we need to be going in, in spite of hurdles that the US government and it's overseeing agencies want to hold it up. I was called a "walking billboard!" I think that is one of the best compliments I have had in regard to the knowledge and insight I am bringing on this subject. I have never felt so good about something, and wanting to share it with those I love, as well as people who are, where I have been, where I can still be if I chose to allow my mind to go there. I have bad days, but I have to tell you, they have been so FEW since my treatment. I have an issue currently with the breathing, but ... overall, I can't begin to tell you all the effects I have seen since treatment, and SO many that were unexpected. Who in their right mind, would knock that sort of side effect??

Hillary did what was suppose to be a 5 minute verbal presentation yesterday in her clinical class about the stem cell process, and it apparently turned into a 45 minute, in depth discussion about the whys, hows, why nots?? She was so thrilled, especially seeing she doesn't really like speaking in front of people. She said there were lots of great questions, and stated to me last night, she knows a lot about the process having gone through it all with me, but was not as knowledgeable as she has hoped to be and requested some of my articles to pass out to people who wanted more information on the treatment. It was discussed that in the next 4-6 months that the ISCI will try and come here to the Prescott area and do a seminar, and I have been asked to take part in this process. I am totally thrilled about this opportunity to get the word out there. As stated in past posts, I have a few doctors here in the area that have been following my status, doctors that I do not see professionally, they do not treat me in any way, but are forward thinkers and fed up with the restrictions being placed on the US health care system. It is crap, and we deserve better than just being long-term guinea pigs for our FDA and NIH. There are cures out there, and closer than we think if we are just allowed to get to them.

In any event, Hillary stated that at least 8 people from her class, the 2 instructors, one of which I met while in the hospital with pneumonia, are all interested in attending and bringing family members!! Family members who are suffering with afflictions like MS, Alzhiemer's, Rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and that over all biggie for those who just want to "stay on top" of thier health. This is the way to go, and I can't help but feel that all worked out for me the way the Gods intended. I was rejected from the Islet Transplant for a reason, and this, for me, was the better choice. I have no adverse effects from antirejection drugs, which are not only very expensive, but have major side effects. How can I reject what is already mine, only awaken to help me regenerate and repair. I am still working through the "sludge" I created over the past 38 years of living with disease and dealing with "regular" life, I am making a come back. It is sort of like healing in reverse. I was diagnosed with the disease in 1972, a lot has happened since then, and it seems in my writings that things are healing in reverse as to how they came about. My feet have feeling in them again, my brain and vision fog are clear and sharp (Hillary's biggest thrill), my skin, which was a total surprise, is glowing again, first time in a long time as my face was showing the stress of not only disease, but caring for others and all the loss suffered in recent years. My digestive issues, are beyond description, I had not noted this issue on my paperwork, with the hypoglycemic unawareness being my biggest issue to be addressed. This advance in repair has made my blood sugars easier to manage, bringing the stability back into play. I am also down 2 pant sizes ... which to me, gives a whole new meaning to that phrase, "full of shit!" ...LOL .... things are moving like they haven't moved in almost 20 years!! That alone, is amazing results!!! Nerves that have been damaged, are working again, and it can only get better. I do hope to undergo the treatment again, in perhaps a year, as we are taking in labs, physical changes, and getting some statistical information together for documentation purposes. This is all great news, the more we can collect, the more info we can get out.

I can't stress this enough, everyone is different, everyone will respond slightly differently. But .... how can we close the door on this when SO many people have shown such positive results?? Imagine living with such a life altering disease that your whole life is turned upside down. If you have never experienced this sort of altering change, or what the adjustments can do to not only our bodies, but our minds .... then you need to open up your minds and expand to a better tomorrow!!! It can happen, maybe you won't be 15 again, but you will feel better!! I would like to bet my own life on it!!!

With that being said, I am going to try and breathe my way through some indoor work today and grout my windowsills .... LOL .... spring is here,snow or not and I will look at each new day as a new beginning, a gift, given to me by friends who love and have supported me in this long journey to a recovery of new health and appreciation.

Have a wonderful day!!
In Peace and Light

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