Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Today" .... has arrived ....

Good Morning!!!

Well, in spite of an exceptionally restless nights sleep, full of that asthma like cough I get and have had for what seems like weeks, today, life is about to change for me. I feel it (in more ways than one), and can't help but be a little anxious. One cannot think that there is not a psychological aspect to an undertaking like this ... although I have so much support, encouragement, excitement, etc, there is, for me, a feeling of uncertainty. Uncertainty in the aspect that I know life as no other way than I have been coping with it for so many years. The other night when I was repacking a smaller bag to travel out of a bigger bag, my friend came into the bedroom and said "holy crap, I can't imagine having to take all this stuff everyday of my life," ... that was on top of other daily meds, clothes, and those things that are needed for travel. Did you remember the passport? airline ticket? blow dryer?? (LOL .... you all know I haven't used one of those in years!!). It is the only life I know..... and I can't help but believe ... that is about to change. I have so much to share already, just not the time, and I so want to share this as it can help SO many people who are afflicted with many, many diseases and age related illness. I HOPE to be living proof for some ...

It is going to be a very long day, and of course, I am up about an hour prior to really having to be ... alarm is just about to go off ... lol ... I will try hard to take in as much as possible today so that I can share with you all the experience, a part of the psychological aspect of this change in so many ways for me. I really wish they would let me up out of the OR to go to the lab and watch my cells "come to life" .... but .... Hilly was a little bummed she couldn't be here with me, but when I told her that, she was really disappointed, we have a strange relationship...LOL ... I know she loves and worries about me, but together, we both have the knowledge, and wisdom, to want to know more, and learning about the body and its capabilities ... is a TOTALLY WICKED experience!! :D we have the ability to repair ourselves ... how amazing is that??!!??

Will enlighten you all later this evening .... and I will do my best to rest, relax, take it all in, embrace it, let go of all the negative energy that has been inhibiting my big, old body, and HOPE for that new, fresh start ... it is just a stepping stone, it is not a cure, I know this, but .... the positives of this treatment FAR outweigh the negative ... and I will show you this and together, get the word out that we need not have to suffer to enjoy life!!!

Have a wonderful day my friends ....
Be well ...
Peace, Light, and Love !!!!

1 comment:

  1. Deb sent me your link so I can keep a check on you from Florida. Good luck today. My prayers and love are being sent to you as I type. I know everything will turn our wonderful. Can't wait to hear the good news that you are feeling better and responding to the treatment.
    Love and prayers.
    Mom D
