Saturday, February 26, 2011

I'm home

Just to let you all know that I am home as of 1:30 this afternoon. I am exhausted and looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. Maggie is thrilled to have me home and she is crashed out on me currently.

I will try and make an update of whats been happening, but for now, I have been reoouping from bilateral pneumonia in which was originally thought to be a blood clot due to all the extended travel I did in a short period of time. So, since Monday I have been pumped full of 3 different antibiotics to include Vancomyacin, the big gun. All were discontinued late last night with the exception of the IV steroid in which was stopped this morning, and the only prescription I was sent home with. A 10 taper off the steroids. I was a little grossed out with the removal of the pic line, when the nurse said, just take a deep breath and this is going to feel like a "giant worm being pulled from your skin." EEEEWWWWW..... it wasn't that bad, but it is sore now after my shower.

Ok .. well .. it is snowing out, so we are going to bed, to be snowbound in house tomorrow.... and I am so looking forward to it!!

Good night my friends!!!
Sleep well ... Peace and Light


  1. I'm so glad your home. You can't get rest in the hospital. Get a lot of sleep and do nothing around the house.
    Prayers and thoughts are with you.
    Love Mom D
