Friday, February 25, 2011

At least one more night at the "Inn"

Afternoon all!!!

Well, I apparently look "very tired" ... can't imagine why.
Doc came in this morning and we reviewed findings and status. I will apparently be doing at the least, one more night here at the inn. Tomorrow they will wean me off the IV antibiotics and steroids to place me on oral versions. Once the taper occurs we will assess to see if perhaps I can go home. If I am discharged home I will be there for another week on oral meds and seen to determine when I can return to work. I dread to think of what will be piled up there..... grrrrr ..... For now, I am very tired and awaiting the respiratory therapist for another breathing treatment and then perhaps a long nap .... nights don't seem to be condusive around here for any real rest. My nurse is very good, attentive, etc today, but the aide, is irritating us both. I walked myself due to getting sick of waiting on her since this morning. All she has done for me today is tape up my pic line so I could take a shower, she has been on a breakfast, lunch and other break ever since. My face is all hot and flushed ... so I am waiting on the RT to scan those results as I am still on room air, and thinking maybe the O2 needs to go back on.

Nothing yet from the stem cell people, but I believe that they are still hard at work, just not sure where??? I continue to see results in my skin, overall pain in my joints, etc.

So .. thanks to EVERYONE who continues to send all the great vibes and love, they are so felt and much appreciated. The long distance phone call I got last night was wonderful, and thanks for thinking of me .... Will post again soon with any update on status.

Have a happy, wonderful, relaxing weekend!!!

Peace and Light


  1. Hopefully you will have made enough progress that you will be able to go home and rest. And rest you must do. The he.. with the house. All that needs to be done will still be there when you are feeling better. Rest and get well.
    My prayers and thoughts are with you and Hillary.
    Love Mom D

  2. Just another reminder that you are on our minds. Rest up, feel better and think happy thoughts.
    Love, light and positive energy,
