Sunday, October 23, 2011

My life is changing ...

....  in some wonderful ways!!!

This entire time period over the last 2 1/2 to 5 years has presented itself with some very life changing happenings. I have lost both my parents, the only relatives I had living out here in AZ, an aunt and uncle, within 6 months of each other; another uncle, a couple of friends,  a favorite brother-in-law, and my ex-husband.  Each one of these losses came in a way that seemed like it was one right after another without a lot of time in between to get over the loss, to grieve, it was ..... look ... look hard, remember, and cherish all those moments. Good, bad, happy, sad, light-hearted, and deep, like death and dying. I have had some wonderful experiences within these heart breaking happenings.  My mother's death will be one of the most poignant experience I may ever have. (I have been working on this chapter for my book).  I can't help but believe, she is still with me, and she is cheering her ass off currently, even as life continues to throw it's stop-sticks in my way, i.e., the latest surgery and its still waited on outcome.  However, where my health has taken me in just the past 2 years since losing her physically, my life has had some pretty amazing shit happen!!! ..... LOL .... sorry, there really is no other way to phrase it. I believe, I feel, that my life is about to change for the better, in a way that I have no idea how I will deal with it. I am sorry to say, that this experience with the travel expenses, the newspaper articles, the knowledge that I have shared with what some say is a huge deal, I still feel very small. I have been described recently as just someone who can't lie about what has transpired within me since my stem cell treatment, and the people that have become friends and advocates just knowing I "tell it like it is." I have never considered myself a "science geek", but I have always been totally awed by the biology/physiological aspect in regard to the human body. It amazes me some of the happenings the human body can bounce back from. Now ... add the passions of those people put to huge, global difference....??? That is a lot to think about. I read, and I read, and I scan, medical sites, research sites, bio-technical sites, social media sites, news and journals of medicine. There is some pretty amazing research going on in this country, and if you would all be kind enough to check out the attached link and listen to a couple of the little videos in which Dick Van Dyke has volunteered his time ( makes me wonder if perhaps adult stem cell treatment was not a part of his recent spine surgery???).

I want to be part of this science break through, I want to prove if to no one but myself, that I can make a difference, I will make a difference .... and the Angels will cheer!!!! A couple of those folks are with me in my heart, always will be ... because they "got it", they got me, they knew what made me tick, they knew what I dealt with on a day to day, minute to minute basis ... and yet they still loved me and lived life with me and for that I am forever grateful for the lessons in which I learned while they were here, and since their passing. Powerful stuff people, and it humbles me.

Enjoy the information on the web page attached .... the science is here, and we need to make it part of our health care now .... not when "they" decide .... for the better good of ALL people.

Have a wonderful week!!!

Peace and Light

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