Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day !!!

Wishing all of you with significant others to share a special day with ... and for those like me .... lol ... maybe a nap!!

It has been one long night. Maggie and I were out cold last night, or so I thought when about 10:00 she started with the irping sounds at the foot of the bed ... needless to say ... I was up for over an hour cleaning the carpet as the GD dog ate another freakin' sock!!! Hillary wears those stupid little ankle, no sock at all sort of thing. I have no idea where Maggie found it, but Hillary is infamous for dropping something to and from the washer/dryer area from her room. Needless to say, it was the 3rd sock this week!! So Maggie went back into the kennel rather than back on Mamma's bed. At 4:15 I heard her whining ... so I got up and took her out ... well ... she apparently thought it was time to just sniff around and bark at the stars .... Momma grows increasingly more cranky ..... then at 5:35 I hear her again .... tried to ignore her for a few thinking Hillary was up as she had to work today .... nothing ... so up I was again .... I no sooner got my pants on and I hear Hillary say "I'll take her out" .... never mind .... I am already up!!
Was able to lay on the couch until 7:00am .... so ,,, I am feeling rather hung over this morning ... and only had one Mary yesterday so I know that isn't the issue. LOL

Anyway ... I hope all have a wonderful day .... and after a little more coffee .... I know I will too!!

Happy Valentine's Day !!


  1. Happy Valentine's Day to you too. Hey, some people say they love you with flowers, you had it said with a puked up sock. What more could one want in the middle of the night? lol. I hope Maggie is feeling better. Try to take a nap, I am tired for you ha.

  2. Carson steals socks too! He doesn't usually ingest them but at that age I think he did! It's like having a baby isn't it?
