Saturday, October 10, 2009

morning joe

Good morning all !!

Well ... here it is Saturday morning a little after 6, cause Maggie doesn't really care what day of the week it is, or that some of us might like to sleep in .... hahha ... at least til 8. Been up for about an hour, so I guess my day has to start pretty soon. I'm having my coffee, just checked out the news from around the country, and some world headlines, and of course ... my usual obituaries. I have always read the obituaries, ask a couple of people who have known me for years. I used to think they should combine them with the classifieds. You know, Mr Smith dies, leaves 3 BR condo on east side, 07 BMW, etc .... lol ... cut down on space, but today, they charge so much to print them that they don't hold the information they used to. I still find them interesting to read, not sure why.

My mind let me down again last night when I neglected to inform of my dental appointment. Geez ... I would rather be cut with that scalpel. I was in the chair for 2 hours for a cleaning, and they had to numb 3 quarters of my mouth to do it. I was numb until noon, having been in the chair from 7-9. I have to go back to have a couple of cavities taken care of and some restorative work on caps, etc. Transplant team indicated that dental work needed to be complete so that when they kill off my immune system, if an abscess or anything flared up in that department I would be screwed in so many words. So that is underway. An expense I really can't afford, but it should have been taken care of long before now anyway.

Expenses are going to be a tough one. During the course of the transplant and follow up year, all my medical expenses, medications, etc will be covered by the trial. Unfortunately, travel expenses, food, and lodging will not, there is no funding to provide that luxury. So "Fred" has begun to spearhead a community education fundraising campaign and has involved some of her coworkers and some of mine. It is so amazing to watch her spring to action. She too, has set up a blog to follow the progress. She has lots of big ideas and I have asked her to slow down, but she thinks this is the way to go and she is finding it exciting and a "happy distraction" for her at this time. So follow her along on how she is doing with this journey and the progress which will be made to accomplish the travel expenses. If more than is needed is acquired during the process, all left over funds will be donated to the JDRF at the end of the trial period. I know that the economy is in a bad way these days, and that people are struggling all over, but, I am a person who has always been very hesitant to ask for help, now I need the help of my life is destined to end sooner than I would like it to, and no doubt in a very unpleasant manner. So if you can help, or know of other ways to help please follow "Fred's" blog and drop her ideas. ANY sort of help will be greatly appreciated in taking on this journey. It is not my idea of a beach side resort vacation, (which I would really LOVE to have) but a trip that will perhaps lengthen my lifespan and help so many others that are living with or have been newly diagnosed to be one step closer to finding that ultimate cure. I see it as a win-win for all who get involved, not just to help me, but to help mankind. So, again, thank you for all of your support !!!

Am off to clean up the kitchen, and start the laundry. "Fred" has a class this morning, and then we will be with my father for part of the day, or until one of us comes close to stroking out. Time is always an issue over there lately. "Fred" and I can only handle so much "Twilight zone" in an afternoon, hahhaa ... It takes a lot of mental prep just to deal with him for a few hours, and then we are both totally mentally and physically exhausted. Sad but true.

So ... you all have a great day !!
Get out and do something for yourself .... or .... stay in your jammies with a good book and just "hang" .... I like to do that once in a while ... rainy days are great for that!!

Enjoy !!!

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