Sunday, September 25, 2011

The human side ...

Hi everyone ... I hope this post finds everyone enjoying their Sunday.

It has been a LONG weekend for me. I think it is in part due to the fact I am sort of preoccupied with the multiple situations going on at one time in my life (so what else is new, right?). My blood sugar remains exceptionally stable in spite of this, only a couple of spikes (I am pretty sure this was my own stupidity, not having bolused square-wave after correcting a low), a constant juggling act!!! Sometime I feel like all my balls are in the air, and other times, I feel like someone tossed in some extra balls and I just can't keep them all up....LOL.

I have been typing as I had two tapes do for my side job. I wanted to get some other work done, but it just wasn't in me and therefore I will be using some more of my PTO. One day .... (BIG DREAM HERE) I hope to actually take some time off from all work and go someplace I can totally disappear ... in the sense that I can park my happy ass on a shoreline with my hat, sunglasses and a trashy book for a change ... hehehehe ... sad part is, I'm not really into trashy reading. I need to find my ocean spot and cleanse my soul. (Many of you know I use the ocean like some go to church).  The sounds, smells, and calming effect of the tides has a way of giving me some new perspective. You know, that I am only a small part of the big picture and I need to regenerate ... in more ways than one. Anyway .... it has been pretty quiet around here with just me, the dog, and my thoughts for the future. HT works most weekends and is house sitting, so I haven't seen her since Friday morning.  I have much hope for my future despite the recent medical hits and uncertainty. I hope to be able to share some "career" changing happenings this week. This offer has made me one happy pup!! It has been some news that is keeping me positive currently as my ability to touch others and make a real difference on the educational front has me on cloud 9. Who would have ever thought this about me ... LOL .... ???  It humbles me to think that so many of you out there, and on my "home front" that there is something special about me ... I am really just doing the best I can with situations that present themselves and want others to have the same opportunities to overcome.  I certainly hope that my quest for good health and the methods in which I chose to accomplish this, is making a difference. Don't give up hope on this science and the power of the human spirit.... it is all part of the play book.

Yesterday I purchased 5 good size boxes .... yes, one for each sibling ... my goal is within the next few weeks I am able to get through the crap crawling the walls in my home, pack up what they may want to fight over, donate the rest, and get my home and my life back, or maybe ... just begin to live a life of my own. This has been a very weird transition period as I can't remember when I didn't have someone to take care of. Now I only have myself ... and of course, I will always be the mom to my baby girl, but she is about to venture off on her own and with that, comes my need to sort of disconnect the cord .. LOL ... I will never cut it, and she has stated the same.... LOL.

Ok kids ... I have tasks to complete, and "multi" wasn't part of yesterdays happenings. I think I made a bigger mess than was already here. It is one thing to see all these boxes, it is a completely different scenario to spread what is in the boxes around. I just keep telling myself ... this too shall pass so plug on.

Enjoy the day!!!
Peace and Light

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