Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm tired of being sick .....

I'm sick of being tired! .......

Come on .... someone HAD to have seen that one coming. :D

It is true though.... I have been fighting something since early November, spent the week from Christmas Eve to the Monday after New Years. I went back to work after being out for a week, over both holidays .... Not exactly my idea of a vacation. I have so many projects that need to be done at home, on the home, etc. There is not enough energy left in my batteries when I get home from work that I have been in bed anywhere from 7:15, to no later than 7:45. I am wiped ..... but .... am trying hard to plump up the immune system, maybe I can finally blow this out soon. I am on my 2nd round of antibiotics, yesterday beginning a stonger round and some heavy duty decongestant. I slept most of today away, still dragging........??? I just have not felt right .......

...... I met yesterday with my new PCP, upon recommendation of my daughter, and a local doctor she works with. (I do so really enjoy these sort of discussion and interaction, the brains and the humanity!!) He was very nice, good personality, appeared to be thorough, ordered blood work ...ggrrrrr.... which I will have drawn maybe Thursday, but definately before weeks end. He wants me back in 3 weeks.....??? Let's see what follow up says .... again, it's not right.

Then there is the day-to-day stressors in which I've been trying to cope with for over 2 months now. The dreaded day job .... I love my job topic, area of focus, always learning something new (for me it's the body, like a fine HD piece of machinary ... haha). In any event, being honest on many levels, hasn't gotten me a lot of brownie points in my status. I am on my 3rd supervisor in less than a month.....hmmmmm ..... and where do you think they would take that. What irritates me most, is how these "corporate" types, that give the illusion of go-getters .... (that was the nicest way I could put it)will step on you, kick you, make you think he/she truely is a "part of the team" in actuality, can't see past the end of thier own noses ..... LOL ..... (I'm giggling here, try it, makes me dizzy)anyway ... I finally got a cohort, I think she knows her stuff and we can certainly help each other make it to the next level of our education. "Biggies" don't always see the big picture and the lower rungs of the ladder, break, fall off, or just get left with s&#* all over them .... lmao ..... yes people, I do find this sort of amusing in a sick way. All I want is to do my job, to the best of my ability. I think that given my easy-going personality, I try, actually, I don't really, it's just who I am; enjoy doing things around my homw, to make me happy, and feel at ease, whatever the time line to get it done, so long as I am enjoying it as I am going along.

Lots of varied thoughts lately. In part, due to this stupid vertigo that seemed to have come along with this ear/UR infection in which is still lingering in my neck/throat. We will see what the labwork and the med does .... hopefully by weeks end.

I do return to work in the morning, at the old office, in which I was under the impression I would be there less often, WRONG ..... seems I have been set up all pretty .... YAK .... it makes me really leary of corporate administrator, of what ever title that is this week, think that is "where it's at" ... LOL ... LOL...LOL .... Not for me baby!!! .... I have come to that point in my life, where I would like to fight on and fight hard, for change in research, better coverage, stem cell procedures in this country would be a marvelous legacy .... continue with my JDRF research, and see if I can get this done SOON to show others in positions to take it to another level, that it will work, it has proven safe and effective for so many, make it available here, under research/university hospitals .... my thoughts are being disrupted ... (it's a 90 lb beauty that thinks she is a lap dog!!!)

Signing out .... will check back soon, hopefully for ALL with a cleared head, less fuzzy.

Be well everyone .... Light and Love

PS: I quickie of the lap-dog :D


  1. Hugs to you and I hope you feel better.


  2. Corporate sucks! Fighting with them is a losing battle - best to keep quiet as possible imho! :)

    Hope you are feeling better now! Winter sucks!
