Saturday, January 29, 2011

Count Down ....

Hello to everyone!!!

I hope this post finds everyone happy, healthy, and WARM, especially my East Coast folks, and a few I know from the Midwest. You have been hit hard this winter. I know that I could not cope with that sort of weather anymore. That much snow would keep me in the house until May!! .... LOL ....

On the treatment front:
Many people are counting down the days, ten days, as I have been informed this morning by my loving daughter. She is very excited. A phone call with a very special person this morning was evident of excitement, prayer, and hope for what this has the potential to do, and not just for me. For me, well .... I really have tried to stay focused on what I need to do in many aspects of my so-called responsibilities. Therefore, this past week, I have focused on my deadlines at work. I had a deadline of yesterday for a multitude of work to be completed. I made it ... with not as much OT as I had anticipated. All that came from me NOT thinking about what may be in just a little over a week. I am not nervous about the treatment, not really worried about going over the border, etc. I do wish that someone I know, who knows me, who understands what I deal with and how fast it can happen, could accompany me, but with the economy, cost of airfare, the need for a passport, and time off, to babysit me for 3 days, was too much. That is ok, I totally understand and am so happy with all the prayers, good wishes, support, encouragement, I know that there must be a hundred other adjectives that describe the gratitude I feel for all of this, from ALL of you!!! I will be fine. DEAR friends, will take me to the airport, pick me up from the airport, and watch over me, as they have done so many times in the 10 years I have lived in AZ, until I meet with my endocrinologist on Monday ... February 14 at 8:00 AM..... what sort of love fix is that??!! .....

So ... I have one week to finish up my work on the job, I am pushing myself (not always sure why I do this) to get caught up to the point where I need not worry, which I should be doing anyway ... but ...given the economy, I need my job and am glad I have one at this point, so ... put my best feet forward. This past week, I was called by the travel guy with ISCI to confirm my flight info, there will be someone at the airport with my name on a piece of cardboard ... LOL ... to take me to the hotel and begin the process. The night before treatment there will be an orientation, process, thinks to be aware of, schedule (I am scheduled to be first of the day @ 8:30AM), hopefully, I will sleep that night. Being alone, not having anyone to bounce stuff off of, and just wondering, ..... I know it's coming ... I have so much going on in my thoughts that I have pushed to the back of my mind recently that will come to the forefront when I am all alone, waiting for life to change.

I will keep you all posted as to how it goes, what will happen as we go along with the process. As I have stated in the past, this is not yet a CURE, but it is my heartfelt belief, that it is the biggest step to a cure for so many diseases that it must not be overlooked or understated!!! Please hold that in your deepest support area. I may have excellent results from this first treatment, but it is possible, and very likely that a 2nd treatment will be needed to keep things on an even keel. So out fundraising efforts can't end just yet. I am all to aware of the fact that so much of society is struggling. Me and Mine have been struggling to stay on top, not even ahead, for months. With my daughter having lost hours at work due to budget cuts, the possibility of her losing her job all together, is still a risk. I have been luck in that I have a job, and it seems to be stable at the moment, but with more budget cuts on the horizen, I too, could be out. That would mean we would lose our house, our vehicles, etc ... something I refuse to look at presently. I believe, we work hard, we find a way to get through. For me, lately, the support, love, and encouragement I have had from people really has kept me going. But ... like yesterday morning, risk and danger of what could happen is a reality. It is just not a topic I like to dwell on, anything can happen, to anyone, any day, to worry about these things does not allow one to focus on the solving of the problem.

Ok ... I was rambling .... prepare for a little more of that ... there is a psychological factor that goes along with anyone who suffers with a chronic disease, and those around them as well. As always, from the start of this little adventure, I have welcomed comments, feedback, opinions, I am always open to questions, a diolog, anything to open the conversation on this topic of bringing it to the US ... and allowing our citizens, the working class citizens and not just the rich, to use it and benefit from it. Let's take care of our own people, learn from these other countries, scientists, doctors, and people who have undergone this little miracle for all.

Again, much love and thanks for continued prayers and support!!
I will be in touch!!!
Peace and Light!!!


  1. Hey Bink,
    It was nice talking with you today. I'm really excited that we touched base before your trip. I will try to figure out the skype thingy so that I can keep in touch with you while you are in Mexico. You can always e-mail me (yes, the old fashioned way of communication ha.) I know how to do that without any trouble ha.
    I'm picturing God's love and light around you at all times. Things will go beautifully and you are going to be feeling much better almost right away.
    Our continued prayrers, love and postiive light are with you, my friend. Talk soon.

  2. I am going to cross all my fingers and toes and pray and light candles!
    I have so much respect for you to pursue this.
    My dumb little "under control" Type II diabetes is nothing compared to what you go through on a daily basis. When I think it's a pain in the neck, I think about how brave you are.

    A lot of people will be with you in spirit on the next part of your journey.
