Sunday, July 31, 2011

Negative, Depressing, Small-minded thinking ...

Good Day Everyone!!!

It seems as it has been a while since my last post. Life has had me busy. Work has required OT which really takes its toll on me. The last two weeks has had me in close to 60 hours/week, and that doesn't include the work I do from home for a private neuropsychologist. Which means that this weekend, my house looks like a tornado has blown through and I just don't have the energy to wipe it all out. Oh, where, oh where did my life go wrong??? I would love to have a maid, yard boy, and even a pool boy .... lol ... but need that pool first!!! I certainly would feel better on a regular basis if I had a body of water to work in.

Ok, well enough of that whining!! Sleep has not been so great this past week. Not because I don't feel well, but because it is monsoon season here in Arizona and my dog has become a rather neurotic, paranoid baby this season where thunder is concerned. As I type, she is across my lap!!! .... and has been in this sort of position since yesterday afternoon. as storms have been off and on, all 70 lbs of her thinking she is a lap dog!!! When HT gets home from work in just a bit, I am hoping to get some stuff done as the dog can go lay with her for "body contact security!"

I have a couple of articles to post here. I am so happy with the progress the folks at Stem Genex are making in bringing this, in my opinion, miracle, to the forefront on so many levels. Check out the latest release from them on MS patients!!! The benefits of this treatment are so much more than anyone could begin to explain. It just reaffirms my belief in what is possible if the politics would just back off here in the US.

Also, the second printing is that of a question I posed on the Diabetes Research Institutes Facebook page last week. It too, has turned into a very informative piece on where the research is in the US, and how they want to tackle the issue. I am happy to say that I support this institute, however, I am not fully convinced that the direction they are stating here in the article is what I would offer my body up for "guinea pig" status. Some say I have been a "guinea pig" in a sense having undergone my stem cell treatment. Perhaps, and I would do it again, even allowing a more in depth sort of administration in the future for just such a response. However, I continue to do my research, reading, and understanding the risks vs. benefits of this venture. I am still a very firm believer that at this particular phase of my life, this is my mission!! To help move the science along so that the next generation of Type I's, and any other disease that can benefit from stem cell treatments, not to mention what it does just to keep us in a better form given what age does to us on the norm, i.e., my skin, and what my daughter refers to as my "lack of hail damage" since my treatment .... LOL..... this sort of irritates her at the tender age of 22.

So ... with that small update on the fact that I am still alive, still working more than I want, still caring for my father, and trying to keep up in the area in which I find true satisfaction, "stemmies," and continuing to read and pose questions to those in positions of research and hoping to open the minds of those such as the person who responded to the DRI question as BS!!! This person, in my opinion has NEVER experienced living with Type I, or any other disease in which lives quality is  a daily challenged. As I stated in my response to this person, I would trade places with you any time to give you 40 years of what you refer to as "don't exist" BS. It is the mind set of people like this that send me into a frame of mind that I can't believe some people feel that it is ok for THEM to play, judge and jury. I am all for freedom of speech, but if you don't understand a topic, learn all you can about it before you start throwing rocks. There are millions of people out there waiting on this sort of science/medicine/technology to save their own, or a loved ones life. How would you feel if we decided we didn't care or believe in what could save yours?? As one of my favorite songs indicates in lyrics "Walk a Mile in my shoes!!"

(The above link may have to have a Facebook account, if you are not on FB, try going to the DRI website directly, I was told it is posted on the website as well with Part 2 to be posted on Thursday 8/4)

The above link is a recent release from Stem Genex. They are expanding in such a positive way and hopefully will have some major University connections to brag about soon. Again, I want to be the "guinea pig" here ... LOL ....I have a special reason for wanting to do this, and my daughter and I are believers that I can make a difference in the thinking of those who "don't believe."

I hope you enjoy today's reads and have a wonderful week!!!

Thanks for following!!!
Peace and Light,

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