Friday, February 1, 2013

LOVE OF LABS as Assistance Animals

Happy Friday to All!!!

I found this website through Kathy's blog on her New Islets, as well as, her training experience. Absolutely heart-warming!!  The video below is moving, and for many, a harsh reality to life that many never understand. 

Grab the tissue box, but please stay focused on the cure!!! I am so hopeful that the cure is right around the corner for these little people (myself included). T1 DIABETES is NO LIFE for any kid to have to endure.  I am so happy that there are SO many more outlets today for support of kids and parents alike. I know that I would never have survived this long without the dedication of my mom, who was a cheerleader with a heavy heart. (I never understood this until I was myself, an adult & parent).

I am going to do some more reading into this phenomenal kennel and services. What a wonderful adventure to support!!! And .... as a lab lover, I can honestly say there is no better lifeline for anyone!! They are smart, loyal, loving, easy to train and always there for you!!! I know my Maggie loves me when I can't stand myself, especially if I am high. She is always beside me and she becomes very attached and attentive if I have to leave and she can't come with. She follows me to the kitchen making sure that juice goes down fast or she is nudging me. My lifeline was not professionally trained, therefore she can't be with me 24/7 like I wish for at times, but, I do believe that some dogs have a natural instinct for this stuff  .... it has always been something about animals in which has fascinated me my entire life.

Just thought I would share my love of labs, and the message that we need a cure. Please put your support behind research .... no matter what disease you are hoping to eradicate!!!

Have a wonderful, safe, and warm (for many) weekend!!!

Peace and Light

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