Sunday, December 30, 2012

Loss of a Pioneer

Wishing my readers a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year!!!

The loss of a pioneer for not only women, but for science and medicine. Godspeed to the "Cell Lady."

Let's move forward with openness, be kind to each other, be kind to yourselves.

Peace, Light, and Love

Here is too a GREAT 2013!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

In the Spirit of the Season Upon Us

Hello World!!

Well, I have concluded that it is time for me to move forward. It is in reference to my personal journey and where I go next. Stay tuned .... I am hoping for some pretty amazing shit!!! LOL .... yes, I am a dreamer ... it is what keeps me going.

I would like to share the link below to a FANTASTIC blog by a "DiabetesDad." This man has a writing style from the heart, and no BS, from the parental stand point. He has brought me to tears numerous times over the past few months. I have about that much focus and his descriptions are just .... wonderful. Give him a look .... I don't think you will be disappointed, and you will find much guidance and concern.

This particular entry is quite inspirational, and given the season in which we are in, I find it to be a fitting gift.

To my readers, friends, family and lurkers alike .... hehehe ....
I wish you a wonderful evening .... whatever your beliefs .... be kind to YOU, be kind to each other!!!

In Love, Peace and Light

Thursday, December 6, 2012

WSCS in Miami Florida this week

Hi All!!

I have a couple of links I want to post ... been trying for a couple of days. The first is this great question posed by the "diabetesdad" blog ... (I need to get this attached too??) He is looking for guidance .... I need to respond as well, however, he has had some heartwarming, frightening, and honest repsonses. Check it out

Really is full of realistic outlooks!!

Also, this past week was the World Stem Cell Summit, and was held in Miami, close to and in collaboration .... (I love that word :) with DRI and CIRM, along with some pretty amazing world leaders and patient advocates in the stem cell/regenerative medicine field. Take a look at whats been happening and some of the exciting trials that will hopefully begin SOONER, rather than later. The video is a T1 young woman .... and what she hopes to accomplish as well. COLLABORATION ..... it's a good practice. Enjoy the reads ....

As soon as I find some solid focus, I will try and update to my own stats ... some amazing stuff going on in/with my body too!! hehehe .... insulin intake was lowered a half unit again this past week ... and that was 2 weeks after a depomedrol injection (steroid based).

With Love, Peace and Light

Monday, December 3, 2012

2012 World Stem Cell Summit

Hello All!!

I hope this post finds everyone well ... happy, healthy, and searching for knowledge.

Check out the 2012 World Stem Cell Summit going on today through Wed. 12-3 to 12-5 in Florida.
There is a spot where you can view the summit live on streaming video.

On Monday - Dr. Ricordi from DRI in Florida will speak on where we are on the future of CURE.

I am SO very much hoping and praying to get some sort of information on being the "Guinea Pig of Hope" for this stem cell movement. I have nothing left to lose and everything in the universe to gain by using this medicine/science and the knowledge already out there, the pursuit of better treatments with regenerative medical approaches. Come on people ... let's open our eyes to a healthier, happier existence ... and perhaps, a little more beautiful all around!!!!!

Enjoy your day, enjoy your week.
Be good to yourself, and practice random acts of kindness .... it makes us all feel better.

In Love, Peace and Light

I'm just sharing information - knowledge is power :)