Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Snail progress

Hi !!

As I approach my 47th birthday (1 year from when I approached the trial) I find myself wondering ... how many more may I be able to have? (hoping to make at least 50, Hilly has this "pin the junk on the hunk game" she is dying to play at a party :P) Seriously, I do wonder, not preoccupied mind you, but always in the back of my mind. What will the future hold for me?

In my continued reading and research I have been in contact with the International Stem Cell Institute. I have also been in contact with the folks at UCSF and with my request for my records and test results that were done while in San Francisco for the trial testing, they have agreed to send those to me and wished me the very best and to "keep us posted" on my progress and happenings.

Now ... I know that people are most likely thinking I am crazy, but I do not believe that in the true sense of the definition. People have been undergoing stem cell therapy/treatment for many years (15-18 in some areas of the world) and with REMARKABLE results for many diseases and afflictions to include; heart disease; MS; neurodegenerative diseases; arthritis, and YES .... type I diabetes!! This is my ultimate goal (along with falling in love for real just once before I die...LOL). When the paperwork is all in order I will fax it all off to be reviewed. For now, I am going to keep the details sort of hush-hush as I don't want to put myself in that "all positive, everything is going to go great" mentality and setting myself up for the same sort of devastating disappointment I felt with I was rejected from the Islet trial. I really did take that hit hard.

I will say this about stem cell treatment. It will be much faster, I will have to travel, but not for weeks at a time, and will be able to go about my life with no more than the monitoring of my BGs as the cells grow and begin to do their stuff (which could take 3-6 months. The great thing about stem cells is that there is no immunosuppressant drugs involved, therefore, less risk of other organ damage or failure. It is amazing science .... one only needs to have an open mind to the science and outcome. Now, why would the US want to jeopardize all that pharmaceutical income by actually curing a disease when there is so much potential to keep folks on a drug the rest of their lives?? Politics .... not one of my favorite subjects. So, in my continued determined state of mind I will continue to fight for what I believe is the right action not only for me, but for so many others that can benefit. Not only that, I am going to scream from the rooftops when it all goes well and I can promote the treatment to those I know and love who suffer from this disease, and hope that others might see the best in it.

Of course, for me, the funding will remain an issue, but not remotely close to what would have had to come into play for travel back and forth to California for 18 months. It is a relatively doable amount and hopefully with only one treatment. It can take a couple of treatments given the disease, type of cells used, and a couple of other (what I consider minor) factors.

I will plug on in the meantime.

I am awaiting on the paperwork. I am still working, more than ever. Hillary is about to start her 2nd semester in the nursing program and continues to support my decision to make my future a little brighter and much more healthy.

So ... please stay tuned for more information and I will post as I get information about the actual treatment program and when I hope to have it take place.

Thanks again, to all of you who have continued to keep me in your prayers, and support my decision on keeping me around for a little while longer. I have never really been one who was aware of what her purpose was here on this plane, but, I do feel that this venture is part of it. Consider me the sacrificial lamb if you will for those who may be skeptical. It's all good!! For if nothing else, I came into your life, touched you in some manner, and lingered there for some reason. Only the Big Guy knows my destination for sure, but I hope that my being a part of your lives has made a difference in some small way.

Peace and Light


  1. Hi Eliza:
    I have read all the info you have in this blog and it does sound promising. I hope you take it slow and be sure it will help you before you proceed. As always I am praying that you will make the right decision and God will see you through this.
    Love Mom D

  2. Thanks for your continued prayers. I know you think about it, don't worry. I miss you being close, but .... this is my life now. I am glad you finally got the gumption to make a post. It's always good to see and talk with you, even if it's via the web. Love you !!

  3. Wow, this sounds promising Bink. Keep me posted and we will continue to keep you in our prayters. Perhaps your destiny is to make a difference and you already have.
    Lots of love,
    Deb : )
    p.s. Alright Mom D., you took the "plunge."

  4. This sounds promising and worth persuing..please God. Have been without a computer for some time and am now back online with a new one...happy to hear you have resumed your upbeat attitude and have hope again..prayers and love - Aunt Ann

  5. All good news! Promising info - and as you know "WE" don't give up in this family very easily - never have - never will!
