Thursday, April 1, 2010

Time to adjust

Hello ...

Sorry I haven't posted this week. I have had a really stressful, chaotic week, personally and at work.

I have inquired on some info regarding what it means for me in the long run given my PRA results. I will explain in a more detailed blog entry over the weekend.

Just wanted to touch base, let everyone know I am still alive, and that it has just been a really hard week for me trying to ingest all the information and trying to muster up the energy to continue on, My inquiry on the whole organ transplant is a decision I am not yet ready to commit too. I am confident that I can be placed on a list and that the wait will just be longer than I had hoped. But, given the information I received, this would hold true regardless of the type of transplant I would be waiting for.

Know that I am trying to regroup and get my mind back into a good place, preferrably before my body gives out completely. In all the chaos of work, this news (which really has hit me hard, coping and processing it is not in my time committments) and trying to get my father settled and still dealing with his lack of reality (his driving, his living situation, etc.) I am just spent, totally exhausted, and several times this week have hit the pillows prior to seven PM.

On that note, tomorrow is Friday, and I have many things I want to accomplish this weekend in regard to spring cleaning ... hahahahaha ..... we will see how far I get with that project, and of course my taxes need to be completed.

Wishing everyone peace and tranquility!!


  1. Keep the faith - You must never give up nor think the trial phase won't happen. Something good will - be positive (I know this is a tall order) Just take care of yourself right now and do only what you have to do. Rest, rejuvenate, meditate. Keep your mind clear....Listen to I knew what I was talking about....but I do have the benefit of years behind me and I know you'll make the right well...thinking of you and sending all good thoughts....Love, Aunt Ann

  2. Hey Buddy,
    I am glad that you wrote, I was getting a bit worried. Take things one day at a time, one minute if it applies. Keep your spirits up, rest your body and try to keep a good thought. Keeping the faith here in Barre.
    Love ya,
