Friday, October 2, 2009

What a GREAT day!!!

No ... not because it's Friday, as I still have work to complete here from home this weekend.

I had such a mind-blowing experience today at work. I was with co-workers and my boss (I will refrain from using names at this point as to not jeopardize the privacy of those I am associated with) a wonderful woman, and likewise, addition to my life, called an impromptu meeting out back. I assumed that we were going to casually discuss some duty changes that have been occurring. To my surprise, it is said that the meeting was to brain-storm fund raising ideas to help me with transportation/hotel/meal expenses that will not be covered by the trial!!! I was so totally taken aback. I NEVER in my wildest dreams thought I would get the support and backing I have from these incredible women!!!! I am totally blessed with the people that have come into my life over the years. It was very hard for me to not break down balling this afternoon. The excitement that has been created, the concern, so heart-felt and concerning for me that I was just overwhelmed. I am not a real religious person, having been raised Catholic, and falling from the church many years ago, when my marriage came to an end. But, I can say that I consider myself to be a very spiritual person. I do believe in God, I do believe that things happen for a reason, I do believe that we will be taken care of in an afterlife of sorts. That how we live on earth, will ultimately reward us when we are done with the bodies we reside in here for something so much more rewarding. Therefore, I have over the years, been so totally blessed with the people that have come into my life, people who have shared my joys, laugh with me, as well as at me....LOL ..... I find myself so amusing at times, who could possibly not laugh at some of the things I say or do, without a thought? I don't blame them, I totally enjoy laughing with them, even if it is at myself. Let's face it, life is pretty funny if you thing about some of the stuff that happens, and for me, laughter has been my out, my way to cope with too many difficult situations to write about. (I am saving all those for my me-moires ... hahaha)

OK, well back to the meeting, I can't thank these women, and a couple of men to date, that have offered their support, brains, ideas, and whatever other adjective I may be missing to help me accomplish this journey. Without them, I would not be able to ease my thoughts of "how am I going to do this" they are making it known, they want to help. For that, I am so very grateful, and so touched, I am so feeling the love!!!!! and it means more than my words could ever express.

I am so thrilled at the conversations that this journey has sparked, in private homes of my friends. The interest taken in how this will effect my future, and my overall well-being, physically and mentally. These people, for whom I will be forever indebted to, have taken my cause to heart, they want to learn, they want to experience. I am not sure how they feel on perhaps a medical, mental, or ethical front as to what I am getting involved in, perhaps, some will post questions and feelings to learn more as we go along.

To all of those of spearheaded this initiative, my heartfelt LOVE and GRATITUDE to you ALL!!!
If I wasn't "special" before .... hehehe .... I certainly feel like I am "special" now.

When I arrived home from work this afternoon, after having to deal with my father, who has been wearing on both me and "Fred" over the past year, my daughter, "Fred" had a whole list of fund raising ideas and was so totally pumped with enthusiasm that the dog thought she was playing and began to get a tad rambunctious. It was so amazing to watch, I am not sure what to do with all these feelings I have swimming within me. I have never felt that I was anything special. I feel I am a good person, try to treat those I love with love and respect, a loyal friend, with a good heart, but that is about all I could ever offer anyone. An ear, a shoulder, a place to lay your head if you needed it, etc. I have received so much more in the friendships that I have established that these people have no idea. If they do, please know how much I value the loyalty, caring, humor, and human kindness that has been given to me.

Maggie is chucking a "nutty" to go out, so I will end here for tonight.
THANKS !!!! to all my angels .... for it is here on earth that we learn to fly!!! and my angels that have gone before me to watch over me through this phenomenal journey.


  1. Dear Cousin E,

    This is great news! I am so happy for you that you are brave enough to try this! Very exciting and I'm sure a bit scary!

    You are very courageous and I know this will be a huge undertaking - but one that I am sure you will succeed at! You have won the battles for all these years and I know you will continue to win!

    How can we help? What do you need? I am 2500 miles away but would do anything to help you.
    It sounds like you have very nice friends and coworkers - you are very lucky!

    Keep us updated - I will be following closely!


  2. Thanks for your comment and support B!!
    I am thinking your mom passed this along to you, I am thrilled!! and so very appreciative of the support !!! I need all the help I can get at this point. Please stay connected.


  3. Yes my Mom passed this on to me!

    Meg has a blog - it's funny! You might like it! She has the sarcastic sense of humor we all seem to have!

    Seriously - tell me what I can do? Maybe in time as you are further along you will be able to assess more - I know every little bit helps.

    Can you send me your email?
