Saturday, March 19, 2011

Stamina and less Insulin

G'Evening Saturday !!

Did anyone get a chance to catch that HUGE moon tonight? WOW ... I stood on the back steps and had a clear shot of the skyline to the East. I tried to take a few pics but they came out like someone missed something ... one big light... LOL. Guess I will just have to hold the image in my new mind. I really am laughing here ... what I continue to experience is just plain weird. I did a 52 hour week, ending this morning at 9. I then sat around the car dealership for 3 hours while my car was serviced. Constructed 3 letters, did some "math" ... went to the grocery store, Home Depot (where I could have spent most of the day; when I didn't find what I wanted, I had a desire to hit Lowe's too!) In any event, by the time I got home, it was after 3 (I had left the house @ 7). I did some wash, made a Mac salad for tomorrow, etc. I think you get the idea, now it is 7:45 and I am, honestly, wiped out.

I have noticed that the last couple of days I have had this increased burst of energy and then "boom", I am achy. I think this week, it really is over-worked, under real good sleep. Seems as soon as I fall asleep, it's time to get up, and I fall right to sleep. I had deadlines that had to be met this week. Talk about throwing the pile at you, along with someone elses pile and say we need this yesterday!!! Yup, they missed me alright and their enthusiasm at having me back is one of two things, and I won't bore you with details .. lol. .. stupidity is among us.

Mind clarity, physical stamina, like I can't begin to explain, it is like I have bones and joints moving that haven't really gone their full range-of-motion since the late 90s. However, I am, and I know it, over-tired and therefore think that is why my back aches. I have been pushing it, and the muscles and stress from deadlines have made me tense. One good thing, that feels really nice for a change, is that I have this ability to actually stretch. I have noticed that my posture has improved. I think that has something to do with spending so many years rolled in a fetal position, or the toll of chronic pain and fetal position.... hahaha ... maybe it causes the curvature...?? There has also been A LOT of digestive "waking" going on this past week ... it is just too weird to describe, and I can only hope that those following me, have the slightest clue as to the pain that has been involved since the mid90s in regard to my gut and it's exentensive workings.... I grin, I laugh, but it was no laughing matter, it was the only way I could cope. I did cry as well on occasion, but the laughter and my twisted outlook on the "shit" we deal with in life ... you get the jist. :)~

I'm going to head off to bed now, this is the 3rd night in a row I have dozed off on my keyboard.... LOL ...Sweet Dreams to all, and to all, a restful night!!!

In peace, light, and good health!!

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