Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's all good

I am back at the hotel ... the day was VERY long, didn't sleep well last night.
Everything went very well and I have lots to share, but not tonight. I just had a little bit to eat, and doctor orders were to try and just rest for the next few days, in part as I have this nasty cough that hadn't gone away prior to treatment. The doctor treated me, and I have another round of antibiotic, one for the cough, two cause I am a diabetic, and three, well they just did a mini liposuction that I am about to blow stitches out of with the hard coughing I am doing. so ... with that being said, I really do feel better ... LOL .... it is just this cough ... which I heard multiple people yesterday on all planes doing .... anyway ... I will post lots of really cool details and some fasinating results when I get back to phoenix. This is a truly remarkable and rewarding treatment and I want to share it with those that are interested in the possibilities.

thanks for all the love, light, prayers, good vibes and energy, I felt them with me all day in great warmth!!!

Peace and Light
Sleep well


  1. I am so excited for you. Can't wait to hear more. Until then, I hope you can get lots of rest and get rid of the cough.


  2. Wicked cool! I'm so glad you were able to post. I have had you on my mind and continued to pray throughout the day. I'm glad you are safe and back in your hotel room. I am looking forward to hearing more. Rest up my friend.
    Love ya,
