Sunday, June 17, 2012

A good day to go back to bed ...

Happy Father's Day to all ... regardless of whom or what you may be daddy too!!!!
I am not feeling well today ... it has been a week of beyond challenging occurances. I had been house/dog sitting with my Maggie for 10 days down in Phoenix and although I didn't do much other than take care of some paperwork and work out in the pool, which I really enjoyed. Since coming home (up the mountain) on Tuesday afternoon, I have had a hard time adjusting to breathing. At one point coming up the hill, I hit the fire residue, and fighting this cold which today, I think I am down. All the stressful happenings of this past week, I developed that "ice pick" headache again while undergoing an eye assessment on Tuesday ... I have lost my health insurance, which is beyond a stress level I can handle, mentally and physically. This headache makes me sick to my stomach ... to the point where just moving around slowly here in the house sends me to the point of ..... well .... barf!!!!

With that being said, I will not, or cannot, go into details of what went down. I have been trying to record my thoughts and happenings for the book, which I am going to have to make a reality soon just to help with staying afloat. Boy, I hope someone out there wants to read these antics of mine and how I have come this far. I know that those who have stood by me in the past few months, over and above the years of dealing with me and my diabetes, are concerned about my mental health and well being. I assure you all, I will do nothing "stupid" .... it is not in me to give up. I have come WAY too far to give up now. The adjustments I have had to make, and continue to work on is so polar oppisite of who I was before this accident, and I have a difficult time on certain topics, situations, etc ... in which I am just trying to cope as best I can.

Ok .. my tummy is on a rampage and I am going off to nap with my pup. Not what I had wanted to accomplish on this day, but ... that stuff will be there when I get up, hopefully feeling a little better.

Enjoy the day!!!!
Peace and Light to all!!!

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