Wednesday, March 28, 2012

One week this morning

Good Morning and Happy Hump Day to all !

It has been one week this morning (in 2 hours to be exact :). That saying "it's going to get worse, before it gets better" is true. I have discovered this long ago ... I do believe that today will be a good day ... if I pay attention (this is a problem lately).  It is almost 7:30 am, I have been awake and up since 5:00 am. Maggie has patiently listened to me hack and wheeze for a good portion of this time.  Remember that last year after my first treatment I had been walking around with double pneumonia, apparently brought on by allergy induced asthma. Well kids ... I can tell you that if this is what spring allergies in the high desert are going to do to me on a yearly basis for 3-4 months out of the year, I am going to look for a new area, perhaps a little closer to the ground. I finished the antibiotic yesterday. I began some breathing treatments, you know, that albuteral based crap that I don't like, but can make a difference (trying to avoid steroid intervention). I slept the best I have in months and woke to movement in my lungs that has had me doing the slow, deep, cleansing type breathing for the past 2 hours. Maggie (my faithful and loyal companion) has been right here by my side, or on my lap ( I believe she helps me to regulate the slow rhythmic breaths that make all feel right) and is now on the other side of the sofa curled up resting herself. She has this knowledge ... I don't know how these animals do this but this too, is an amazing process. Ok ... well ... I am trying to plan the day so that I can make the most of it, as right now, I could use a nap myself.

I have an orthopedic appointment this morning and am thinking that he is going to release me from care, as far as the accident injuries go.  My "trigger" thumb, which brought me to him initially after a heavy bout of weed whacking .... LOL .... has been back and irritating me, however, I am going to let it ride for a couple of more weeks seeing as I am feeling a little relief in movement today and would like to hold off on any of the steroid based treatments as they mess with the blood sugars, which are under some change. It aches, but I am moving it slowly and keeping an eye on it. My knee seems to be feeling good, I don't know what long term effects that damage may play, but for now, it seems to be moving freely with the exception of occasional cracking. My neck ... well ... that is some news. I had cervical spine issues prior to the accident with some bone spurs, and injury from the past, but after the direct injections of stem cells/PRP to the area last week, not only has my headache subsided, I can feel a very obvious relief in the knots and tension that went deep. I am booked for another massage this afternoon and am hoping that the therapist sees/feels a difference as well. For the past, almost 4 months now, PT and docs have noticed that the tension and knots that resulted from the accident have gone deep and would take time to work out and heal.

Overall, in the past week, I have been working through the foggy focus issues, which I think seem to be clearer in spite of my lack of true organization in respect to staying on task ... (not sure if that made any sense??? I understood it .... haha) I am still frustrated in that area, but begin therapy with a person who has knowledge with head injury patient and strategy to put in place. I am concerned that all the coughing I have been doing to clear wheezing and breath sounds have had on the incision in my navel, but it looks pretty good so far.

So today, I am off to do my first breathing treatment, then shower and off to the doc, which requires my patience in getting my ass to the docs without major panic/anxiety, and then .... Lunch with 2 co-workers who are just thrilled and excited for this recent treatment, already stating what they have seen. I think it is time for another "Guest Blogger" ..... what do you think. My outlook can give you my perspective, but ... I find if often times is nice to hear what people on the outside are seeing, the folks who know you well enough to notice a real difference, but sometimes bite their tongues as to not hurt feelings. I have a couple of those and I am SO VERY BLESSED as they keep me on track, they keep me real, they acknowledge that I like my control, and that I am a pusher, and that I have really had to alter my outlook and approach since the accident and the frustration I feel. I love them and thank God for them every day!!! That includes the team from Stem Genex, who without their help and guidance would have me still in the depths of depression and frustration due to the effects on my function of intelligence since the accident. I do feel like my personality is coming back slowly, I am still a little slow on the uptake depending on what the topic is and how many people are talking at one time. It is like I can't take all the distractions, which was never an issue prior.

I would like to wish everyone a wonderful day!!!
Be good to you, be good to each other!!!

Peace and Light

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