Thursday, July 14, 2011

Today's Stem Cell issues for me

Hi All!!

I hope this post finds everyone doing well, and making the best of every day!!! I try... even when I am not feeling well. I have a couple of topics I want to hit on over the next week or so that have come up in multiple conversations I have had in just this past week.

Topics will include: What I feel is the US's "propaganda" against allowing stem cells to be used freely. I realize that there is a lot of areas in which they still need some research. However, if we continue to use the term "embryonic" which is a term in which makes feathers fly, and not focus on all the wonderful progress that has been made with the cells we hold in our very own bodies, this will never happen and the pharmaceutical companies will continue to suck us dry monetarily, as well as kill us off with all the unproven side effects that come with so many of these drugs.
HIPPA rules - I choose to share my health information on a certain level, of my own free will. This is my choice as there are so many topics that come about when living with a chronic, potentially fatal disease that never gets talked about, even with our doctors. So why not...??? People need to know that they are not alone, that others suffer with some of the same issues they do. If I can help, in some sort of humorous manner, I am more than willing to put myself out there. I too, for many years, thought I was alone in some of the long-term side effects I was/am suffering with. I also have been thinking about "destiny" the last couple of weeks. I believe that God has/had a much bigger plan for me when I was rejected from the Islet cell transplant trial, and for so many levels.

There was another topic ... LOL ... but I lost track and forgot what it was at the moment. My dog is getting pushy to play. When the mama (me) gets home, it's time to play for a while and me sitting here isn't getting that done.

So .... let's focus on autologous stem cells and what they can do for all of us on SO many levels I can't even begin to tell you.

On my own health front, I am still having issues with the swelling from the lymph node and I am not going to allow another doctor to jump in this pot currently based on "menopause" which I do not believe this has any role. I still await an approval from the insurance company on the PET scan. I am wondering how long I should wait before I contact someone in regard to "negligence"? In the meantime, I have a life to live, and I want to make the best of each day, chipping away at all the things I need to get done, and the things I still want to accomplishment.

Ok ... well ... wishing everyone a wonderful evening!!
Off to play some Frisbee with my buddy.

Peace, Light and Serenity

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