Saturday, July 2, 2011

In response to the question ...

Is Stem Genex reputable?

In looking through the stats that go along with my blog here, I noticed that there were  inquiries through search engines, in which the question was asked as to if  Stem Genex was reputable...??

My response to this question .... Absolutely, without a doubt!!!

I can honestly tell you, I spent a good 6-7 months weeding through a good many companies, doctors, etc. that claimed to do the impossible in regard to stem cells, and the costs that went along with these procedures. I made many phone calls, asked a lot of questions, my gut helped in several of these encounters.  To keep my mind in check, if it doesn't feel right in your gut then  NO, RED FLAG, TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, etc. should keep anyone researching for a line of defense in their health care on their toes for legit, and reputable. It can be a difficult time, as I know I wanted to get all excited and just go with it, and then after a phone call, it just didn't feel right, and on many of my calls for information to other providers, the cost usually became a huge red flag, as I know the science, and I had a feeling that something just wasn't right with a couple of these "agencies." The promise was WAY too much, and so was the cost of the promise. Stem Genex, a subsidiary of the International Stem Cell Institute, was upfront with me, and very caring, from the very first contact. It was just a good feeling from the start, and it proved true with the planning of my treatment, and the follow up I have received to see how things are progressing.

I went with the International Stem Cell Institutes's, Stem Genex, because of the caring, straight-forward communication given the nature of the treatments, and those looking to have it done and why. I was, as I have stated many times prior, a believer in the science prior to my treatment. I can without any hesitation, tell you all that my experience with this company undergoing the treatment with a patient advocate at my side the entire time, ready and willing to answer any questions, as well as the treatment I received after treatment in follow up conversations. These people, this company, is genuine, built on passion and personal knowledge of the science. I would recommend Stem Genex, without reservation,  to anyone I knew to undergo this treatment for their issues, whatever they may be.

My mother used to tell me the "best form of advertisement was word-of-mouth." My mouth is big, and when something is worth shouting, I try my best to overcome the negative and shout the positives. So for those inquiring via the Internet as to if this is a legitimate company, I would have to say, YES!!! My experience has been nothing short of miraculous.

Enjoy the weekend!!
Peace, Light and Serenity


  1. Hi! I would like to ask you a few questions about the procedure if you don't mind. I am a type I diabetic too and am looking into stem cell therapy with StemGenex. Is there any way we can talk by email?

  2. Saad; I apologize for the long delay. I will hope that by now you have undergone your treatment. If not, and you still have questions, please contact me via email at

    I hope to be undergoing my 3rd treatment soon. I have been away from blog due to an MVA in which I suffered a brain injury. Am now beginning to start anew. I hope all is well and that you made the right choice for you. ~et~
