Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lab Values

Hey everyone ...

Well ... allergies continue to plague me ... hard. My head feels like a steel-toed boot has kicked me dead center in the forhead and left a big icepick behind just to remind me of the tension within. With that being said, I got a call today from the doctor's office telling me my labs came back, and that all looked great, except my
A1c which came back at 8!!!! I was a little disgusted with that even though I know it is all due to these freakin' steroids I have been on and off of since February. I am now on day 7 of a 12 day taper and still feel the pain, congestion, and cough due to these allergies. This is, without a doubt, the worst season I have ever had.

I had allergies back east, seems as though those would be so much more tolerable at the moment than this dry, and no end in sight stuff going on here in the desert. The air is so dry, everything is so dry, and yet the pollen continues to build and blow, as it is the windy spring season here in AZ.

Oh well ... hopefully, in the next week, I can get some sort of grip on this shit ... yes, I said it, as that is how I feel. I have been taking Claritin D as it is the only thing that seems to be working this year, and allowing me to continue to work without my head hitting the desk. When you spend all day in front of a computer screen, reading doctor scribbles, and reading it can make for one painful day when your head is not cooperating. So I will continue to hydrate even though nothing has any real taste to it, other than metallic, and use the inhalers, which don't always "rescue" as they state and keep on plugging on.

With that being said, and having been asleep since I got home and had some dinner at 6:40 ... I will be returning to the pillows shortly as I have to be up in 5 hours ... early mornings seem to be my best time, now if I could only get my ass outside for an hour to do some much needed yard work prior to getting to work .... HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA ...... right!! Maybe on the weekend ... and then inside work the remainder of the day. The head hasn't even set in yet here in AZ, I can't imagine what sort of year this is going to be. Maybe Hillary is right, it is time to start investigating a new place to call home ...??

Sleep well my faithful followers!!
Peace and Light

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