Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day by Day

Hi Everyone!!

I really don't have a lot to report. I will try to give you an idea of what has been going on. STRESS ... LOL ... I have doing my very best to try and tend to the situations that have presented, many directly related to the aftermath of the motor vehicle accident in December.  What was told to be a "mild concussion" is now taking on the face of "most improvement happens in the 1st year" or "you may have to deal with the rewiring of that part of your brain." .... I try to focus ... but my attention span can be brief, leading to things getting overlooked, or worst, just lost, completely forgotten. EVERYTHING I do these days takes me so freakin' long that it can be very frustrating.

Other than that ... my blood sugars are a little wacky lately. I am having some tissue issues, in that, after 40 years you sort of run out of rotation spots. I have had to change my pump out a little more than normal due to the lack of delivery, which raises my blood sugars, which has lead to some skin irritations as I search my body for a small area that has not been saturated and scarred from repeated poking. Oh well ... maybe that cure is closer than I think .... I still wish, hope, and pray, especially in these past couple of months trying to relearn and tweek methods of how I do things ... like pulling weeds in the yard ... so many day-to-day tasks .... I have already done this chapter years ago, but this is a completely different type of fight for health and life.

Preparing to drive to Phoenix tomorrow. Will stay a night or two with friends ... I don't like the drive to the city anymore in large part due to the anxiety and panic of having to get there....once there, I don't want to have to rush back up the mountain, 2 hours each way. Again, there is way too much going on to type here, so ....

I hope all is well with everyone!! There has been a lot of progress and movement in the science and medicine of adult stem cells and their abilities!!! I have a 3rd treatment in my thoughts .... maybe sooner than later. I just feel that if I get a good portion of whats going on, out of the way and tended too, that I can make the ultimate most of the 3rd treatment, less stress, mastering the art of meditation and relaxation, etc

Wishing All a wonderful, relaxing weekend.
Peace and Light ... and don't forget the laughter!!!

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